The use of glass as a palette when painting, led me to use the glass as a canvas, it seemed that the painting was being formed behind my back. The support can be determinant in the result of the work, it is one of the determining factors that forces you to maintain a directionality with the material, in this case the use of a non-porous surface, the painting acquires another voluptuousness and corporeality totally different from other supports.

S/T - Oil on glass and photograph - 55 x 35 cm - 2017
S/T - Oil on glass and photograph - 55 x 35 cm - 2017

Transparencias híbridas is a series that arises from the desire to experiment with the plasticity of matter.

S/T - Oil on glass and photograph - 55 x 35 cm - 2017
S/T - Oil on glass and photograph - 55 x 35 cm - 2017

The decision to introduce photographs, drawings, even other paintings in these compositions, confer a more complex and narrative character to the work; it is confirmed that the encounter with an unexpected situation, leads to a new path, where the availability to the confluence is in constant alert; hunting for a signal that incorporates a potential factor to the work.

This is how hybrid transparencies were born.

S/T - Oil on glass and photograph - 35 x 55 cm - 2017